Economic law

  • help in selecting the most optimal forms of conducting business activity;
  • complex legal help in establishing all types of partnership and branches as well as representative offices of foreign entrepreneurs in Poland;
  • preparing complete documentation of partnership and representing it in before registration bodies, including National Court Register (KRS);
  • preparation of the partnership’s corporate documents such as: statues, agreements, memorandum of association and regulations;
  • preparation of agreements and resolutions regulating mutual relationship between partners/associates;
  • preparation of Joint Venture Agreements;
  • registration and introducing changes in the National Court Register;
  • complex analysis of partnerships’ legal statues (due diligence), including the conclusion of agreements, work and remuneration regulations, deed of partnership;
  • complex legal advice on partnership’s sales transactions or its parts, advice on purchase of shares;
  • complex advice and preparation of documents concerning the provision of services to statutory organs, including the preparation of resolution projects of management bodies, supervisory boards and control authorities;
  • preparation of documents for ordinary and extraordinary meetings of shareholders, including projects of resolutions and protocols;
  • challenging resolutions of general meetings of shareholders and associates;
  • complex, ongoing advice and drafting documents in a range of the external activity of companies, including but not limited to: execution, negotiation and providing opinions on ecomonic agreements, drafting legal opinions and conducting negotiations and mediations;
  • legal advice on a dissolution and liquidation of economic entities, including the elaboration of necessary documents and representating the company beofre registration bodies, including National Court Register (KRS);
  • legal advice on transformations, mergers, divisions and take overs of economic entities, including the performance of activities related to the legal audit and preparation of the necessary documentation;
  • legal advice (counselling services), drawing up projects and negotiations of all agreements related to the economic development, in particular loan, donation, sales agreements,  mandate contract, contract for specific work, leasing, agrements and other innominate contracts;
  • written opinions and legal analyses;
  • representing clients in judicial and non-judicial proceedings in a number of cases relating to civil, economic, commercial, press and labour law, intellectual property rights and in regard to the unfair competition;
  • debt collection;

Ul. Postępu 14
(+48) 692-440-110
(+48) 605-104-093
